Top-Mounted Manipulator Arm

Brand: Cameron

Cameron top-mounted manipulator arms are designed to accommodate your demands for an efficient, safer, and rigid tubular handling system for all drilling operations.

The manipulator arm is engineered for low maintenance and long equipment life using industry-proven components and high-fatigue-capacity materials.

The arm incorporates a hydraulic, remote-operated control system to provide smooth, natural, and comfortable operation.

It has a safe working load of 1,320 lbm [600 kg] at maximum stroke and is designed for permanent installation in the derrick at offshore drilling locations.
  • High-capacity slew bearing on top-mounted slew base for permanent installation on derrick
  • Heavy-duty tilt cylinders designed to secure redundancy in case of cylinder failure
  • Hydraulic internal slew gears with well-proven design for slew purposes
  • Internal twin telescopic cylinders with backside connections that secure high-speed extension/retraction and reduce the use of hydraulic hoses
  • Interchangeable guide head with standardized interface
  • Remote hydraulic control stand with hydraulic valve assembly for permanent installation
  • Mechanical heavy-duty end stoppers for slew, telescope, and guide head tilt
  • Proportional counterbalance valves for lifting (tilt), telescoping, and guide head open/close/tilt
  • Sensors for slew, tilt, and telescope for integration with the rig's anticollision (optional)
  • Emergency lowering system if hydraulic power loss occurs
  • Dual retention of all fasteners
  • Chamfered guide fingers to reduce risk of overstressing the guide head or the manipulator arm structure
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