Littelfuse FLSR_ID Indicator™ fuses provide visual blown fuse indication at a glance. The patented state-of-the-art solid state design provides maximum reliability and superior performance characteristics in a true dual-element design.
The use of Indicator fuses reduces down-time, nuisance opening, increases safety, and can save thousands of dollars in lost production time.
Reduce Down-Time - A glance at the indicating window of a FLSR_ID Indicator fuse pinpoints open fuses immediately. If the window is dark, the fuse has opened. It’s that simple. No fuse testing required. Machine operators can immediately determine that there is an open fuse and request maintenance personnel to bring the proper replacement
Reduce Nuisance Opening - FLSR_ID Indicator fuses have superior time-delay and cycling characteristics which can lengthen fuse life and decrease needless opening
Reduce Fuse Inventory - Because FLSR_ID Indicator fuses have superior performance characteristics they can be used on a variety of applications, thus decreasing fuse inventory
Reduce Equipment Damage - FLSR_ID Indicator fuses have superior overload and short circuit protection which can reduce equipment damage
Reduce Accidents - The FLSR_ID Indicator fuses improve safety by minimizing exposure to live circuits. Unlike other forms of blown fuse indication, Indicator fuses provide built-in blown fuse indication with the power on or off. No second guessing whether a light means a good or bad fuse and no current going across a blown fuse to power a lighted accessory